Plans for developing this "beautiful life":
-Gather email addresses of interested folks into a listserv
-Send updates to listserv
(happened) -Gather folks who have expressed interest in being part of all of this -in June 2012
-Let the energy of those connections take shape, simmer, take on a life of their own (Faith and Light group?, other regularly-meeting group?)
(happening) -While I become trained and formed by established and forming L'arche communities.
-Plan an official energy-stoking, inspirational gathering in Nashville - to stir and gauge interest - perhaps a retreat, workshop, conference on the writings/lives of Henri Nouwen or Jean Vanier, led by someone(s) who know/knew either of them well
-Form an exploratory group to begin meeting on a monthly basis, to pray together, study/read L'Arche writings, explore L'Arche spirituality in other ways, and visit L'Arche communities
-Form a board
-Build community with persons of all abilities
-Fundraise toward an executive director
-Friend-raise and build connections to help resource and inspire whatever tangible plans are discerned (toward land? toward building? toward staff? toward other programming costs?)
My tentative, personal plans for the next few years of my life are:
check - Through November 2011: Stay in my house with my guys through Progress, Inc. in Nashville, Write UM commissioning papers, Help start Sunday school and worship for adults with intellectual disabilities at Edgehill UMC
check - December 2011: Home in TX for the holidays
check - January-May 2012: L'arche Harbor House in Jacksonville, FL, plus Commissioning interviews in Nashville
check - June 2012: Gather belongings in TX and Nashville, Commissioning at Annual Conference in Nashville, L'arche Int'l Gathering in Atlanta, Move-in with new L'arche Atlanta community
check - June 2012-?: L'arche Atlanta, Visit Camphill community in Pennsylvania
At some point, I may land back in Nashville to help contribute to what I've called (for lack of an organizational name at this point) "a beautiful life in Nashville" (with adults with intellectual disabilities).
June 2015: Ordination as a Deacon in Full Connection in TN conference