
Disability Theology

Waist-High in the World: A Life among the Nondisabled; Nancy Mairs

Poster Child: A Memoir; Emily Rapp

*If I Had Wheels or Love: Collected Poems of Vassar Miller; Vassar Miller

*Mental Retardation in America: A Historical Reader; James Trent and Steven Noll

*The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability; Nancy L. Eiesland

*Raging with Compassion: Pastoral Responses to the Problem of Evil; John Swinton

*Receiving the Gift of Friendship: Profound Disability, Theological Anthropology, and Ethics; Hans S. Reinders

Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology, and Ethics, edited by Marilyn E. Bishop


*Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness - by Vanier and Hauerwas.
A lovely NPR interview - "Speaking of Faith" interview by Krista Tippett with Jean Vanier:

"The Sacraments in L'arche" by AM Allchin, in Encounter with Mystery: Reflection on L'arche and Living with Disability edited by Frances Young

Church's Response to Ministry with Persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

"On Being Fully Human" by Benedict Ashley and Ashley O'Rourke, in Healthcare Ethics: A Theological Analysis by Catholic Health Association

Return to Community: Building Support Systems for People with Psychiatric Disabilities by Paul J. Carling

Sharing the Journey: Active Reflections on the Church's Presence with Mentally Retarded Persons by Ellen Cook

A Place for All: Mental Retardation, Catechesis, and Liturgy by Mary Therese Harrington

Developmental Disabilities and Sacramental Access by Edward Foley - includes article by Mary Therese Harrington, "Affectivity and Symbol in the Process of Catechesis."

Suffering Presence: Theological Reflections on Medicine, the Mentally Handicapped, and the Church by Stanley Hauerwas

Other Resources

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center has a budding (few years old) Disabilities, Religion, and Spirituality program - this is the link to their webpage:  There are great resources available there - including a PDF document, "Disability, Religion, and Spirituality Resources" - it has a great list of books, articles, websites, and videos.

*I own the books with asterisk - if you'd like to borrow, I'd love to lend.

**This list is compiled from:
Reading list for Duke Divinity Professor Amy Laura Hall's course "Discipleship and Disability", Kate Lassiter's Master's thesis, "Returning Home: A Christian Ethic of Housing for Persons with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities"